I am Coach for your personal and professional development and clear communication so that you can show who you really are and clearly say what you mean. ONLINE and in person.
I am passionate about setting people’s minds in motion, so that they become aware of their own potential and resources. I provide you with the space and security to unleash your potential. My own professional path is far from straightforward which is why I would like to encourage you to follow your heart, leave well-trodden paths and boldly discover new routes for yourself.
Solution-focused brief coaching for long-term effects
You do not have any deficits. You have everything you need for the change you seek. As solution-focused coach I guide you in discovering your own potential. We organise your thoughts while you take your time without any pressure. In this way we set your mind in motion and you develop ideas for your desired future. We never lose sight of the balance between your professional success and personal well-being. "All things optional, nothing is a must".
Structure provides clear communication.
Structure, tools, an appreciative attitude and the courage to argue your position is all you need to communicate clearly. You are able to communicate successfully - in your personal style! I am sure of that. I show you how to lead meetings and deliver presentations in a competent and confident manner, how to formulate to the point and clearly say and write what you mean.
“Don't listen to what I say but to what I mean.“
This principle – at times mentioned daily by my mother - permeates every aspect of my life and work. The practice of communicating clearly and understanding quickly makes perfect at an early stage, when you grow up in a country inn meeting the most diverse people. Since then, this insight has accompanied me in my creative work, in understanding needs and developing suitable communication solutions. In addition, it is reflected in my collaboration with clients and participants. Always mindful and solution-oriented.

International experience
In my mid-40s, I quit my secure job and went abroad again. It was sometimes exhausting and not always easy, but it was such an amazingly positive experience that it was one of the best times in my life. Brussels has become my second home and I enjoy the exchange with my international network. Here you can download the list of my international project work as a PDF.
German and English
I provide my combined expertise primarily in English and German, however, I can revert to Spanish, Dutch and French at any time.
My Clients
I predominantly coach and accompany Women, Young Professionals and 50+ from various sectors: NGOs, industry, educational institutions, SMEs, start-ups, trade unions, public service and European Institutions. However, my offer is open to everyone.
My clients are highly interested in personal and professional development. They want to explore their potential and they are curious about the possibilities that life offers. They want to convey clearly what they mean and make sure that their message gets across.
Good Coffee:
After 10 years abroad I enjoy the peace and quiet on the Baltic Sea as well as my garden and all the creatures within. I am always available for a conversation over a good cup of coffee - also virtually.
As a person and in my work I follow ethical values and ensure the quality of my work by on-going education and specialist exchange.

Education and Training:
- Specialisation in solution-focused brief coaching
- Certified Business and Writing Coach
- Certified Guided Autobiography Instructor, Birren Center, University of Southern California
- Live-Online, Webinar and Blended-Learning Trainer
- Certified Trainer for Creative Writing and Poetry Therapy
- NLP Master Practitioner
- Qualified Conflict & Team Coach
- Trainer Qualifications Germany and UK
- Business Administration with focus on Personnel Development and Communication
- Further qualifications in project management, non-violent communication, change management, consultancy for women, Züricher Ressourcen Modell
- Authorised Translator EN, SP, DT at the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Schleswig
Professional Background:
- Since 2014 Solution-Focused Online-Coach & Communication Trainer for Domestic and International Clients
- 2021 - 2024 Deputy Project Manager "Shaping the Work Environment in Care", ILAG - Institut Leistung Arbeit Gesundheit EC (limited liability)
- 2015-2020 Project Manager Online-Education/Blended-Learning, Life Science Nord Management GmbH, Kiel/Hamburg
- 2008-2014 Head of Capacity Building, EU Project Manager, BEUC, Brussels
- 2005-2008 Policy Advisor, HR Consultant & EU Project Manager, CESA, Brussels
- 2000-2005 HR Manager, Thyssen-Krupp Marine Systems (HDW), Kiel
- 1995-2000 PR&Communication Manager, Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG, Kiel
- 1990-1995 Language Coach/Translator & Text Editor, S&D, D-Rendsburg
- Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Berlin (GE)
- National Association of Writers in Education, UK
- The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies